Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Happy Birthday to ME!!!

Well today marks a huge milestone in my life.... the dreaded.... 30. I am not sure why this number is so depressing for me. Most of my friends are in their 30s and really we all seem the same age, but I am having a hard time letting go of the 20s. So many things have happened in my 20s, good and not so good. While I struggle with getting older I have to remember that my age does not define me.

Friday night I was surprised to an awesome night out with friends and family. We had dinner at CJs in Birch Bay and then headed to the Silver Reef Casino. I am so so so so lucky to have these people in my life! Thank you Kip, Dan & Tawnee, Chad & Kandi, Don & Kristi, Jeff & Melissa, Scott & Jana, Tim & Tami, Troy & Terra, Zack & Sarah, Mike & Stacy, Nikki, Cody, & Trent for a wonderful night out. I felt so special. Terra and Sarah had that place decorated sooo cute and I appreciated all of the time and energy that went into doing that for me. And for the gifts, what awesome and unique things I received! Tawnee once again, you got me!

Sunday we celebrated my birthday with dinner at my dads where Kristi & Melissa prepared a great BBQ feast. Love you girls!!!

Last night I came home from a long day at work to be led into the bathroom by my boys with a warm bath awaiting me. Music, candles, candy, a magazine, and most importantly in my boys eyes... a beer. They let me be for awhile and when I was finished they gave me a gift that they all went shopping for with Kip. New shoes and a couple tops. They loved spoiling me!

Today was filled with a crazy amount of text messages wishing me a Happy Birthday and many more blessings from facebook. I wish everyday was a birthday!

Lastly I was blessed with the most amazing and beautiful rainbow that I have ever seen and it lasted forever! I have never seen a rainbow more detailed and complete. I truly believe this was a gift sent straight from my mom. It is crazy that last year on my birthday there was an amazing rainbow too. Coincidence? I think not. Just perfect timing to end a perfect day. Still missing you every day mom...

Can't forget the pampering I will receive tomorrow with Kristi and Melissa. Pedis and dinner!

Maybe 30 won't be so bad...

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