Thursday, February 3, 2011

Long Time, No Write... "mom moment"

Once again, I find that I am avoiding this blog. Somedays I wonder why I even started it and committed to keeping it updated. I hate getting over a month behind and trying to backtrack and I hate sitting down and really thinking about how sad I still really am.
Since my last post, Trey had his Christmas progam at Sonshine Preschool. Mrs. Brann and Mrs. Thompson do such a good job of putting this together and the kids did a great job singing the songs they have learned. Trey loves preschool, mostly because of his friends Dawson, Talan, and Deagan. He is a social little guy and loves to play with all the kids there.
We also celebrated Christmas with all of our family. I have so many pictures of our parties so I will only post a couple. The boys love all of their cousins and I hope they continue to grow up feeling that way. Christmas with dad went well. Of course we missed mom but we can now say we got through our first Christmas with her in Heaven. I am just hoping that each year it will get easier.

It is hard to really put into words how I am feeling these days. There is not a day that goes by that I don't desperately miss mom and when I think about the fact that I will not see her for a long time it still takes my breath away. I still can't imagine or comprehend that. It is in those moments I have to remember to take it one day at a time.

I feel like as time goes on some things get harder. It is crazy to think about what we were doing a year ago. How scared I was... How scared mom was.... How hard every day was... Sometimes I wish we could go back to last year... Sometimes I am so glad we have this year almost overwith...

I feel so much better now that I am caught up and verbalized my feelings. Cheers!


  1. I thought about you so much this holiday season. I hope that you can find renewed hope in the new year and that time truly will do more healing. That's what I hope for anyway. I got to take a day off a while ago and help out in the boys' classroom. It was so fun seeing the kids in action. Kobe is quite the little mathlete! I was at a "pairs" station, and he was the superstar pair finding for the day.

  2. Kelli, I totally get what you're feeling. I always think it's just getting harder and it's so hard for people to understand. But I think about you often and you're right, just take it one day at a time.
