Sunday, February 27, 2011

Her final breath... "mom moment"

Saturday, February 27, 2010 at 7:45am my mom took her final breath here on earth. She lay surrounded by her husband and her children in her own home and in her own bed. It was a setting that we had anticipated for quite awhile. I could never have imagined a more peaceful and beautiful moment.

It was the first night that all of us were there. Although we all didn't sleep much, we rested. We traded places next to mom a few times but to my privilege it was on my turn that her dreams became a heavenly reality.

Her breathing had changed throughout the night to become slower and more labored. But when I sat down in that chair it was distinctly different. The candles were done burning and the music had become silent. I remember sitting there watching her and getting this overwhelming feeling that this was it. Although we had given my mom to the Lord and Trusted Him with her soul it was at that moment with all of us surrounding her that we witnessed her leaving us, her family, and greeting Jesus at those Heavenly gates.

It was as if you could feel her soul leaving her body. In just a few short minutes all that lay there was an empty body that looked like my mom but wasn't my mom. I am so thankful that I was able to be part of such a miraculous thing. It really did change me forever.

I am so thankful that my mom is no longer in pain... is no longer fighting this terrible fight... is no longer feeling sick and weak... is no longer suffering here on earth. I try and fill my mind with the glorious things she is doing up there; Laughing, singing, feeling healthy, and hopefully being rewarded for the person she was, and most of all for loving Jesus.

Although I am so happy she is happy, I still cry today because I miss her more than ever and as time passes I know I will forget little things about her and my daily thoughts of her will grow fewer and farther between; And that makes me sad.

Here is more from our journal on her caring bridge site from a year ago-

Saturday, February 27, 2010 4:57 AM, CST
Just when I think I don't have the strength to do this anymore, God sends a friends encouraging words, strength from others sitting right here with you, a breath of Heaven. How he is actively at work in our lives at every moment!

I have had so many questions as to the whole process of dying in which watching it first hand changes your whole perspective of it. I had no idea it was this hard. I thought I had been preparing myself for the past 10 years for this moment; and now I get it! Now I understand the emotion of empathy that has been bestowed upon us by others who know what we are truly going through...

Mom continues to hold on... in a more deeper peaceful sleep...Kelli

Saturday, February 27, 2010 9:51 AM, PST
Mom was greeted at Heavens gate at 7:45 this morning. She left as peaceful as it could have ever been. We are all so thankful to have witnessed such a beautiful sight.

As we grieve, we are so excited for the joy we can only imagine she is experiencing walking with Jesus, her parents, KerryAnn, and all the others she has lost along the way.

Thank you everyone for all of your support and prayers.

Ed, Jon, Jeff & Melissa, Kip & Kelli, Don & Kristi

Saturday, February 27, 2010 8:28 PM, PST
It is crazy to think that mom has been in Heaven now for over 12 hrs. I wonder what she is doing? I wonder what it is like?

Throughout her life and the past 10 yrs she has left such an impact on all of our lives and has been such a living example of God and a testimony to Faith.

She has received so many cards from friends and family and I read this one the other day and I thought it was so fitting of her.

It's a comfort to know there are heroes among us- regular people, just like you- willing to do what they can to make the world a better place.

Heroes give instead of take. They act instead of talk. They step forward and do the hard and unseen jobs, to give the best of themselves- measuring their own success not by wealth or comfort, but by the lives they touch along the way.

That's what heroes do- and you are one of those people. Maybe you don't think of yourself that way- but that's what you are.

And I just want to tell you how grateful I am to know you and to know that there are heroes like you in the world.
J.F. Peterson

The funeral will be held at Sonlight on Wed. March 3rd at 11 am. With the burial in Lynden at 10 am. Kelli

Today I was surprised with a breakfast with my dearest friends. It took my breath away to walk into a room full of people who were there for me. I know my mom was looking down on us and smiling. It means more than I can even express to have people surround me in such a loving way. Thank you Tawnee, Kandi, Kristi, Melissa, Sarah, Terra, Nikki, Kristen, Jana, Tami, Stacy, Mel, Kristi, and Raelene for being there, for encouraging me with your kind cards and words, for spoiling me with your gifts and flowers, and most of all for being my friends. How did I ever get so lucky? Everyone should feel as special as I do, everyday...

1 comment:

  1. Hi kelli, not sure how i found your blog. ithink it was through Amy Vandalen's blog.. anyways, it was what I needed tonight. I am missing my dad. coming up on 14 years. and it doesn't get easier. well.. maybe some. your comments are inspiring. I understand how you felt when your mom left this earth. I remember seeing my dad's peace...I knew he now felt was something I can't forget. I am glad you had a nice morning.. I sang for Kandi that morning so she could go and encourage you! Blessings, Kim
